Thesis and template
-->In this post, you can find my dissertation Exploring ecological and social interactions through the lens of complex systems and the LaTex files needed for generating the pdf.

The layout is based on the Harvard-thesis template. You can also download my own version:
The file to be compiled for my dissertation is thesis.tex
A very important factor for successful thesis writing is the organization of the material. This template suggests a structure in folders as the following:
is where all the real content goes in separate files such aschp1.tex
contains what surrounds the content, such as abstract, acknowledgments, dedication, etc. You also have aendmatter/
is where you put all the graphics you use in the thesis. I have organized them into subfolders since I had a lot.references.bib
is the BibTEX database to organize all your references. Overleaf can directly synchronize your Zotero library.
is the main file.Glossary.tex
is a list with all your acronyms. Uncomment line 109\printglossary[type=symbols,style=long,title={List of Symbols and Abreviations}]
on the main tex file to make it appear in the final pdf.harvard-thesis.cls
is your $\LaTeX$ class file where you can define new commands to keep the main tex tidy. For example:\newcommand{\abstractpage}{ \newpage %\doublespace \justifying \chapter*{Abstract} \input{frontmatter/abstract} \chapter*{Resumen} \input{frontmatter/resumen} }
- Check the page size recommended by your University. I am using b5.
- In
you can change, for example:- Set the colors of the hyperlinks (URLs, citations, etc) big number at the beginning of the chapters (@ line 29).
- Define those colors with
\definecolor{myblue}{rgb}{0, 0.125, 0.38}
- I like the front page to have no numbering or roman numbering. You can change that in
@ lines 110, 122-123 and 137 with commands like\pagenumbering{roman}